School Uniform
School Uniform
At Fulfen, we take pride in our appearance. Our school uniform gives children a sense of belonging and supports our attitude to learning and helps to develop respect for ourselves, our school and others.
School uniform consists of the following (which should all be labelled):
In warmer weather:
PE Kit
Children’s PE kit, in particular footwear, must be suitable for physical activity so please do not send children with impractical ‘fashion’ trainer-style footwear.
PE kits should be worn to school on PE days (which change each half term - details of this can be found on the "Class" pages on the website).
- Jewellery should not be worn or brought into school.
- If children have pierced ears, one pair of discreet studs may be worn.
- Earrings must be removed for PE lessons for health and safety reasons. If your child is unable to remove the earrings themselves, they should not wear earrings on their PE days.
- No other body piercings are permitted.
- Children should have an appropriate hairstyle for school (e.g. tramlines, patterns, sculpting are not permitted and children should not dye their hair inappropriately).
- Children may be asked to tie long hair back for health and safety purposes during some lessons.
- Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school.
- Any kind of boots, wellingtons or snow boots may be worn in wet weather/snow, but must be changed when inside the school buildings.
- Trainers should not be worn at any time other than for PE days and clubs.
Parents of pupils who do not wear the correct uniform may be contacted and requested to bring in a change of clothes for their child. Pupils who wear makeup/nail varnish or jewellery will be required to remove these. Items of jewellery will be confiscated by the teacher to be collected by the parent.
Our branded school uniform is stocked at:
Uniform Plus Burntwood Town Shopping Centre Cannock Road Chase Terrace WS11 9PU |
A & J Design Unit 1 Apex Business Park Walsall Road Norton Canes WS11 9PU |
(they both do a postal service as well as a savings scheme).