Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination

Living with Covid-19

Since 1 April 2022, routine testing has no longer been expected in education and children’s social care settings. This is part of the government’s plan to remove remaining restrictions on society while protecting the most vulnerable from COVID-19.

The government continues to encourage young people to get vaccinated. If your child has not been vaccinated, you can read more about the vaccine programme here.

Although routine testing is not in place, should a child under the age of 18 test positive for Covid-19, the current advice is to stay at home for 3 days.

As a school, we continue to follow national guidance and will promote good hygiene for pupils and staff, promote good ventilation in classrooms and provide enhanced cleaning throughout the school day. Where clusters of positive cases are established, further measures may be introduced by the local Health Protection Team or the UKHSA, as required.

Our Home Learning Plan has been prepared to provide clarity and transparency for parents about how Fulfen Primary School approaches remote learning when it is required and the rationale behind the decisions that have been taken.  Our plan for remote learning is published on this page.

Our Covid Catch-Up Premium Plan detailing how we have spent the grant and how we'll assess the effect of the grant on pupils' educational attainment is also published here.

You will also find our current Risk Assessments and our Contingency Plan should we have a COVID-19 outbreak as well as documents that may help if families are struggling.

Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road