Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination


At Fulfen, we recognise the importance of early reading and aim to create an inclusive, inspired and challenging curriculum which develops children's knowledge of phonics, enabling them to become successful readers who develop a life-long love of reading.



We aim to give children the best possible start to their reading and writing journey by teaching them the essential phonological skills and knowledge to decode and encode words independently from the outset. We recognise that the development of spoken language and the enjoyment and comprehension of quality literature go hand in hand to develop a life- long love of reading and aim to nurture and develop these attributes alongside the phonics programme. 


At Fulfen we teach Phonics using a DfE validated Systematic synthetic phonics programme called 'Rocket Phonics'.  Click on the video below to find out more:



Children are taught:

  • To see the letters, say the sounds for reading.
  • To hear the sounds, recall the letters for spelling.
  • To blend sounds for reading (oral, modelled, supported and independent blending at word, sentence and text levels).
  • To segment sounds for spelling (oral, modelled, supported segmenting, knowing which spelling alternative to use).
  • The skills of handwriting (pencil hold, letter formation, position on a writing line).
  • To recognise and write 'common exception words' e.g the, said, into



Click on the buttons below to access Rocket Phonics resources:

Buttonstage1phonics.png buttonstage2phonics.png


Children practise, apply and consolidate their phonics skills and knowledge during weekly reading sessions with their teacher. Children read books which are matched closely to their exisiting Phonics knowledge. Fully decodable texts are also sent home (these contain only sounds/common exception words which have been taught previously) for the children to consolidate their phonics skills. Children are encouraged to re-read books to rehearse and improve their fluency (the ability to read with speed, accuracy and expression).



Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road