Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination

Our Governors

In addition to the statutory head teacher, staff governor and local authority governor, Fulfen Primary School Board of Governors currently requires four parent governors and six co-opted governors.


JD.bmp Mr Boardman - KI- school community - Governors Mrs Ballett -  KI - School Community - Governors

Jane   Davies


Jack Boardman


Chloe Ballett

Vice Chair


Our Co-opted Governors

Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing board.  They are people who, in the opinion of the governing board, have the skills and experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


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Mrs Ballett -  KI - School Community - Governors

Lauren Roughley

Co-opted Governor

Louise Poxon

Co-opted Governor

Chloe Ballett

Co-opted Governor


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Elaine Witcomb

Co-opted Governor

Lewis   Field

Co-opted Governor

Vacancy open

Co-opted Governor


Our Staff and Local Authority Governors

A local authority governor is nominated by the local authority to the governing board, but it is for the governing board to agree whether to appoint them.  A local authority governor is a representative of the local authority.  The role of a local authority governor is the same as any other governor, including providing a local authority viewpoint and they should participate in the same way as other governors.

Teaching and support staff who are employed by either the board or local authority to work at the school under a contract of employment, at the time of election, are eligible to stand for election to the governing board.  Staff governors are not a spokesperson for the views of all staff, but to provide a 'staff viewpoint'.

Mr Boardman - KI- school community - Governors

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Jack Boardman

Local Authority Governor

Rachael Kilgallen

Staff Governor


Our Parent Governors

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Rachel Dingle

Parent Governor

Hayley Copper

Parent Governor


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Melanie Wright

Parent Governor

Andy Ritchie

Parent Governor


Term Dates and Pecuniary Interests

The current term for a governor at Fulfen Primary School is four years.  A governor can choose to leave during this time if they wish.  When a term ends, to continue serving on the board, they must be voted back on either by the board, for co-opted governors, or by the parents, for parent governors.

Pecuniary interests must be declared if a governor stands to profit personally, or someone they are linked with will profit, from a decision of the governing board.  Both direct and indirect interests must be declared.

Position Name of Governor Date Appointed Date Term Ends Pecuniary Interests
Head Teacher Jane Davies 01/09/2013 n/a Aitken Education
Staff Governor Rachael Kilgallen 21/07/2022 20/07/2026 none
Local Authority Governor Jack Boardman 05/04/2022 04/04/2026 none
Parent Governor Rachel Dingle 25/01/2022 24/01/2026 none
Parent Governor Melanie Wright 29/11/2022 28/11/2026 none
Parent Governor Hayley Copper 29/11/2022 28/11/2026 none
Parent Governor Andrew Ritchie 25/01/2022 24/01/2026 none
Co-opted Governor Elaine Witcomb  24/11/2022 23/11/2026 none
Co-opted Governor Louise Poxon 07/10/2022 06/10/2026 none
Co-opted Governor Chloe Ballett 05/07/2021 04/07/2025 none
Co-opted Governor Lauren Roughly 12/03/2024 11/03/2028 none
Co-opted Governor Lewis Field 24/05/2022 23/05/2026 none
Co-opted Governor Vacancy      

Additional Attendees:

Clerk Peter Davies (Entrust) n/a ongoing none
School Finance Clair Hawkins n/a ongoing none
Associate Member Nicola Mason 16/10/2018 14/07/2025 none

Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road