Fulfen Primary School

Love of Learning... Encouraging... Adaptable... Determination

Look in our bags!

Tonight children are bringing home their purple mash log-in cards and their new easimaths log-in cards.

Purple Mash is a fun learning environment which children can explore.

Easimaths is our new home-learning system, where children should spend 10-15 minutes completing the fun activities 3 times a week.  The tests will be at the correct level for your child.  

If your child had their reading diary in school, they have glued their passwords inside the back cover; if the diary is at home, we suggest that you do the same so that they know where their passwords are.

If appropriate, you child will also be bringing home a letter about accelerated reading as they have reached a stage where they are able to partake in this programme.  The children will have opportunity each week to take the tests in school.

Please note that the colour band that your child will be on for accelerated reading is from a different system from the reading scheme in school, so will not necessarily match up.  Please don't worry over reading levels.  If your child has not recieved a letter about accelerated reading, it will just mean that they're not ready for this programme yet and may go onto it later in the year.

If you have any quieries, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly help you.


Contact us at Fulfen Primary School

Main Contact: Mrs S Steele
Rugeley Road